With the Mental Health Law in place and the DOLE issuing its Department Order 208-20 last February, PVP set about to hold a public workshop on Designing and Developing Mental Health Programs in the Workplace. But with the Covid-19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown, the workshop was transferred online. And it became apparent as shown by our study that with the pandemic, having a mental health program in place became even more important for companies. As such, 86 participants registered to our online workshop on Mental Health.
For three-half days on June 23-25, 2020, we conducted the training via Zoom for the said topic. Our Mental Health Consultant and facilitator of the online workshop Dr. Nino Jose Mateo focused on mental health, workplace well-being, and program development.
Below are the Mentimeter responses from the participants when they were asked “What do you want for this workshop?”

Responses from our beloved participants are also written below when they were asked “What comes to mind when you hear the word work?”

Our hearts are flattered by these comments from the participants:

While these comments will be kept in mind to improve the upcoming runs of our workshop:

Thank you and congratulations to our first batch of participants to the online training on Designing and Developing Mental Health Programs in the Workplace. All the best as you start developing or enhancing your mental health programs in your companies!

On July 22-24, 2020, PVP will have its third online training on “Managing Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing”. Interested participants may visit https://www.pvpi.co/managing-employee-mental-healthfor more information and registration.