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What is Quiet Quitting?

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

“Quiet quitting” is a trend that blew up on TikTok last July posted by TikTok user @zaidlepppelin. The video has more than 3.5 million views and this has sparked debates about the topic. This started with the shift to the “new normal” and a clear sign that the pandemic has changed the workplace culture since employees were able to experience that work can be done at home and have more time for their life aspect in the work-life balance equation.
Quiet Quitting

“Quiet quitting” is a trend that blew up on TikTok last July posted by TikTok user @zaidlepppelin. The video has more than 3.5 million views and this has sparked debates about the topic. This started with the shift to the “new normal” and a clear sign that the pandemic has changed the workplace culture since employees were able to experience that work can be done at home and have more time for their life aspect in the work-life balance equation.

Quiet quitting is about setting boundaries and rebalancing that aspect of work that does not really excite an employee and there, they would only do the bare minimum. However, not all aspects of work will only be given what’s due, sometimes there are parts of the job that are meaningful and rewarding to employees so they go above and beyond what’s expected of them because they simply care.

“Quiet quitting” is a trend that blew up on TikTok last July posted by TikTok user @zaidlepppelin. The video has more than 3.5 million views and this has sparked debates about the topic. This started with the shift to the “new normal” and a clear sign that the pandemic has changed the workplace culture since employees were able to experience that work can be done at home and have more time for their life aspect in the work-life balance equation.
Quiet Quitting

The term “quiet quitting does not mean quitting their jobs but sticking with what's in the employee job description and avoiding voluntary extra work, overtime, or helping out colleagues. This is a residual impact of the pandemic and the great resignation where employees feel empowered to take control of their work and personal life. That's why there has been an increase in work-life balance integration programs in organizations brought about by demands from their employees. And companies that were unable to keep up with this shift in priorities from their workers saw an increase in resignation and quiet quitting.

“Quiet quitting” is a trend that blew up on TikTok last July posted by TikTok user @zaidlepppelin. The video has more than 3.5 million views and this has sparked debates about the topic. This started with the shift to the “new normal” and a clear sign that the pandemic has changed the workplace culture since employees were able to experience that work can be done at home and have more time for their life aspect in the work-life balance equation.
Quiet Quitting

From another point of view, quiet quitting may also be a sign of burnout, whether the employee is not happy with their position or it helps alleviate the stress they are experiencing. This is why employers need to start doing their part in constantly checking in on their employees' well-being and provide an emotionally and mentally healthy workplace in order to improve employee engagement to make work meaningful.


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