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The PERMA-V Model

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

The PERMA-V model is an effective tool to facilitate efficient well-being strategies. It primarily highlights the building blocks for an individual to reach a state of flourishment. Flourishment is when a person excels in their daily life, feels positive emotions, and contributes to their societal role. Bringing into light as well, Flourishment’s counterpart is Languishing. It is a state when an individual is not functioning well both psychologically and socially and is devoid of positive emotions.
The PERMA-V Model

After a once in a lifetime event, the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now in a period of transitioning away from its height. With that, it does not mean sources of stress immediately decrease, but instead, we face another barrier– a readjustment of our lifestyle. With this transition, it is consoling to focus on the things we can control, such as our well-being.

The PERMA-V model is an effective tool to facilitate efficient well-being strategies. It primarily highlights the building blocks for an individual to reach a state of flourishment. Flourishment is when a person excels in their daily life, feels positive emotions, and contributes to their societal role. Bringing into light as well, Flourishment’s counterpart is Languishing. It is a state when an individual is not functioning well both psychologically and socially and is devoid of positive emotions.

The PERMA-V is an acronym introducing the pathway to improving one’s well-being in both personal and work life.

P stands for Positive Emotions, which relays the capability to broaden our actions and thoughts. Positive emotions embody a contagious ability, which leads to not only manifesting the positivity but also exuding it, making it conducive to building genuine relationships.

E is Engagement, meaning we utilize our capabilities to face the challenges in our field. Essentially focusing and being mindful of the task at hand.

R for Relationships, where forming solid relationships contributes massively to one’s well-being. When it is shown that we see and value our peers, and when such is reciprocated, it prompts us to flourish.

M is Meaning. Having a sense of meaning and purpose is crucial for one’s well-being. Serving something bigger than oneself feels excellent; whether it be for work or your personal life, doing something more meaningful feels quite like an accomplishment.

A for Accomplishment, feeling that we are growing and progressing is a basic need. Achieving our goals and moving forward makes us feel we are evolving.

And lastly, V, for Vitality, maintaining physical vitality and physical health is integral for building resilience and bouncing back from failures.

Understanding each of these building blocks can help solidify your well-being and contribute to creating then readjusting strategies focused on reaching flourishment.


PERMA - V: Our Framework for Well-Being. St Andrew's College. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2022, from

Wirthlin, E. (2021, May 6). PERMA - V Framework. Davidson Institute. Retrieved December 8, 2022, from

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